Archiv der Kalenderwoche 19 von 2015

11. Mai 2015 - 17. Mai 2015

A Second Perspective: An In-Depth History of Stereoscopy in Dolphin


Videogames are interactive experiences with emotional highs and lows, providing players with thrilling experiences alongside wondrous vistas. The greatest games can leave lifelong impacts on their players long after the controller is put down.

Emulators serve as a convenient way to relive those past experiences and rediscover hidden gems from one's childhood. But what if an emulator could not only recreate those moments, but enhance them by pushing the games you know and love to new heights? At what point do people say that the must-play …


Die Diskussion kann im Forenthread des Artikels fortgeführt werden.


Vorige Woche

Woche 17 von 2015

Nächste Woche

Woche 21 von 2015
